Tuesday, April 15, 2008


There are several stories related to the name Chitralekha:

Here is one of then :

Usha Parinayam:

Chitralekha is a character in the story "Usha Parinayam" ( or marriage of Usha) . This is the story of Usha, a daitya princess, daughter of king Banasura ( the king of Asuras, Banasura is the son of King Bali and the grandson of Prahlada) and how she got married to Anniruddha the grandson of Krishna.

Banasura was a great Siva devotee and obtained a boon from Siva that he would be invinsible and Lord Siva would gaurd his city. Banasura became arrongant after he received his boon and tried to fight with Siva himself. Siva tells him that he would face defeat and humiliation when the flagstaff on his chariot falls and it would happen at the hands of someone who is interested in his daughter.

So Banasura keeps his daughter captive in his palace and does not allow anyone to see her. Once
Usha sees a handsome man in her dreams and decides that she would like to marry him. But no one is sure if he is real or imaginary. So she describes him to her friend Chitralekha, who paints pictures of several men, and finally finds out who Usha's dream man was . It is none other than Anniruddha, the grandson of Krishna and son of Pradhumna.

Usha implores Chitralekha to bring Anniruddha to her, so she Chitralekha uses her magical powers to abduct Prince Anniruddha in his sleep and bring him to Usha's palace.

Anniruddha and Usha fall for each other, and spend many happy hours together, when Banasura discovers that a young prince is with Usha. He sends gaurds to capture him, but the prince defeats his assailants. But ultimately Banasure captures Anniruddha with his magical and Asura powers makes him his prisoner

Narada informs Krishna in Dwaraka of these developments. Krishna, Pradyumna and Balarama set forth to Sonitapura ( in modern Assam) to rescue Anniruddha and a huge war ensues. Banasura is a formidable enemy, and is also aided by Siva who protectsthe city as a boon to Banasura. but after severe fighting on both sides, the flag staff on Banasura's chariot falls just as Siva predicted foretelling the defeat and humiliation of Banasura.

Krishna cuts off Banasura's limbs ( he has a thousand limbs) and keeps only four of them intact. Krishna does not kill Banasura since he had promised Prahlada that he would always protect his descendants.

Finally Banasura defeated and humiliated , gives his Daughter Usha in marriage to Anniruddha.
Anniruddha takes Usha back to Dwaraka with him.

They have a son by name Vajra.
FYI : Aniruddha (Sanskrit:अनिरुद्ध) means uncontrolled or "without obstacles".

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